Strafoods is a visionary organic food production concept which was incorporated in 2020 to oversee the global organic food market. Strafoods is committed to producing 100% organic produces with a farm-to-market approach and is dedicated towards upholding and maintaining the freshest and highest quality produces. Strafoods’ specialization could only be made possible through paying critical attention to quality control and shelf-lives throughout the entire farming cycle, taking an environmentally conscious stance and using only organic non-genetically modified organism (non-GMO) seeds in its application.
Nestled in the beautiful mountainous Kingdom of Lesotho is where Strafoods’ Mountain Harvest flour, wheat, maize and beans are being produced and the first ever to be introduced in Singapore. We uphold a strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standard whilst working alongside communities of local farmers in ensuring that only the best practice farming methods are implemented.
The Mountain Harvest flour ranges include all-purpose flour, cake flour and white bread flour. Our Mountain Harvest flours are all stone-milled which offer and retain all of its nutritional properties, textures, flavours and appearances. The performance and quality of our products are undeniably superior combined with genuine goodness where customers are able to obtain the enjoyment of a high proportion of bran, germ, rich flavours supplemented with vitamins and essential oils with every scoop.
In today’s hectic lifestyle, a healthier diet and the motivation to remain mentally and physically fit have all proven to be desirable and customers are in a better position to make safe and informed food decision. Believing in the importance of investing in both its people and technology, Strafoods strives to seek continuous improvements to guarantee unequivocal customer satisfaction for all our product selections.